November 6, 2023 has been determined by the Prosecutor of Appeals of the Dodecanese for the trial before the Mixed Court of Appeal of the Dodecanese of the highly acclaimed case of the gang rape of a 19-year-old disabled woman with the accused and one of the perpetrators of the murder of Eleni Topaloudis.
The court of first instance has imposed a 15-year prison sentence on a 19-year-old Albanian and a 23-year-old Gypsy, who were unanimously found guilty, without mitigating circumstances, of joint gang rape, an act committed in Rhodes on December 1, 2018, with the victim a 19-year-old girl with a disability rate of over of the 67% who attend a special school.
As “dimokratiki” wrote, after the brutal murder, on November 18, 2018, of the 21-year-old student of the Mediterranean Studies department, Elenis Topaloudis, together with the 21-year-old Roditis, the 19-year-old dangerous lifelong Albanian sadist, raped on December 1, 2018, together with the 23-year-old gypsy and the 19 year old disabled girl.
In his apology, the defendant of Albanian origin first referred to the trial of Eleni Topaloudi, saying “it’s okay with Topaloudi, the court’s decision is respected. But this here today is unfair, I knew who the 19-year-old was going out with, I knew she liked me”.
The two defendants were specifically found guilty of what, in Rhodes, on December 1, 2018, after having previously gone to the outdoor area behind the Church of the Annunciation in Rhodes, frequented by young people, including the victim, they proposed to lastly to follow them in the vehicle, which was driven by the Albanian, under the pretense that they were going for a walk to listen to music.
The patient, who suffers from a mental-spiritual disorder and has a disability rate of over 67%, initially convinced by the defendants’ claims and not perceiving their criminal intentions, agreed to follow them, getting into the car, in which the gypsy also got into .
Afterwards, after transporting the patient in the aforementioned vehicle, whose doors were locked by the Albanian, to an outdoor area near the beach with low lighting near the café-restaurant “RONDA” and everyone got out of the vehicle to a spot on the beach with bushes and plants . would hit her, forced her to commit an indecent act, and then, after the defendants jointly immobilized the victim by holding her hands, forced her back into the aforementioned vehicle and, traveling a short distance, drove her to the area of the Aquarium,near an area that operates private toilets.
There, sticking to their original plan and taking advantage of their superior physical strength, they subdued by the exercise of physical violence and by the use of direct and grave threats to her life and bodily integrity, her resistance, forcing her to tolerate intercourse and other incestuous deeds.
More specifically, after they arrived at the scene and took the victim out of the car according to the aforementioned, they initially threatened her, while immediately afterwards the Albanian slapped her again, holding her hand forcefully so that she could not escape. Then, after he repeated his threat-incitement to the victim to perform a lewd act and finally forced her, while the other accused had pulled down his pants and was masturbating. A little later, the gypsy also forced the victim into a lewd act, hitting her in the face, and finally, after pulling down the victim’s pants, tearing them, he had intercourse with her, ignoring her pleas to stop.
At the same time, the Albanian held the victim’s head with force, forcing her to give him oral sex again. At one point, the defendants temporarily stopped their criminal behavior against the victim and discussed whether the Albanian would also have intercourse.
Την 6η Νοεμβρίου 2023 η δίκη των δύο κατηγορούμενων για τον βιασμό 19χρονης ΑμεΑ